Gran San Bernardo – 5
Valle di Ollomont
Path map of the Gran San Bernardo and Ollomont valleys with WGS84 kilometric grid. Paths surveyed in the area with GPS satellite equipment. Paper printed on waterproof and tearproof support.
64-page guide containing 3 multi-day treks in Italian, French and English (The Great St. Bernard Ring, The peaks and villages around Etroubles, the Conca di By ring) and a list of trails with waymarks and travel times.
Editions: L’Escursionista
Author: Luca Zavatta
Guide: 64 pages + Map 1:25.000
Format: 11 x 16 cm – 70 x 100 cm
Year: 2019
Language: Italian – English – French – German
ISBN: 9788898520855
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