Sci escursionismo nell’ Appennino centrale Umbro-Marchigiano
34 itineraries proposed to touch all the most interesting reliefs of the Fabriano Pre-Apennines and the central Umbrian-Marche Apennines.
This area is ideal for cross-country skiing, thanks to the geomorphological characteristics of the terrain and the numerous cart tracks present.
A first general part provides information and warnings on the practice of ski touring.
The description of the itineraries and crossings, numbered and divided into mountain groups, is accompanied by color photos, maps and information sheets on the major inhabited centers of the Alta Valle dell’Esino Mountain Community.
Publisher: Aniballi Editions
Author: Paolo Lippera
Released: 1993
Pages: 160
Format: 11 x 16.5
Genre: Guide
Italian language
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