Storia – leggenda – realtà
Everything you wanted to know about the Dolomites and that no one has yet told in an equally concise but exhaustive way. This is how we could define this narration, accompanied by splendid images, of one of the most enchanting territories on the planet. Millions of years have passed since these extraordinary bioconstructions formed on the bottom of tropical seas, and tens of thousands since, with the progressive retreat of the Quaternary glaciers, men began to explore, understand and populate them. They are mountains that speak of ancient trade routes, of pagan and Christian cults, of sagas and legends but also of wars and natural disasters. Stone labyrinths crossed by lush canyons overlooked even by the most daring travelers until the 19th century, today the Dolomites are the symbol of winter and summer Alpine holidays. Magical rock cathedrals with the color of pearl and pink, the Dolomites also speak of crazy feats by the “conquerors of the impossible”, those mountaineers who traced routes on the steepest sides of these vertical stone architectures that made them famous all over the world.
Editions: Iter
Authors: Eugenio Cipriani – Giacomo Meneghello
Guide: 112 pages
Year: 2021
Language: Italian
ISBN: 9788881773077
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