Parco di Veio
Una mappa dettagliata, aggiornatissima, con i sentieri del Parco, le strutture ed i servizi presenti nell’area protetta e nelle zone circostanti.
Itinerari consigliati
Norme di comportamento
Come arrivare al Parco
I punti informativi del Parco
Siti archeologici, monumentali e ambientali
The Parco di Veio hiking map represents the protected area that extends for 15,000 hectares north of Rome between the Via Flaminia and the Via Cassia. Produced in collaboration with the Park Authority, the map, on a scale of 1:20.000, shows the entire network of paths, recently restructured, and is full of updated information. Useful for mountain bike and horse riding enthusiasts, it is the indispensable tool for hikers who want to explore the paths of the Park to discover nature and the priceless archaeological treasures present in the area.
Editions: Iter
Hiking map
Scale: 1:20.000
Linguage: Italian
Year: 2017
ISBN: 9788881772681
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