Sardegna a piedi
13 itinerari spettacolari lungo la costa
The turquoise sea, the granite sculpted by the wind, the white cliffs of Supramonte and the dunes of Piscinas. To those traveling on foot, Sardinia offers all its beauty, made up of solitary landscapes and splendid coves which are sometimes just a stone’s throw from the most crowded places. From Gallura to Cala Gonone, from Capo Spartivento to Caprera, up to the wonderful islands of Sant’Antioco, San Pietro and Asinara, day trips, weekend trips or multiple stages, to discover a splendid and wild Sardinia. 13 itineraries for everyone, the result of the extraordinary adventure created by the authors: the walking tour of the island in 80 days. With useful information to get you on the road: detailed maps, altimetry, step-by-step description of the route, where to sleep and places to visit. And with the exciting story of the territories crossed.
Publisher: Terre di Mezzo
Authors: Riccardo Carnovalini – Roberta Ferraris
Publication: 2019
Pages: 205
Type: Guide
Language: Italian
ISBN: 9788861895652
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