Sulle Strade dei Valdesi
Dalla prigionia all’epico ritorno
There are many reasons to walk in the mountains. For the thousand Waldensians who left the shores of Lake Geneva on the night of August 17, 1689, the reason was freedom: to profess their faith, to return to their valleys in Piedmont, from which they had been exiled in 1687. Today it is possible to retrace that same historical itinerary of 330 km, from France to Val Pellice, between beautiful woods and snow-capped mountains. The updated edition of the glorious return, enriched with some stages dedicated to the places of deportation and imprisonment. 25 days on foot, to be covered in stretches or in a single journey. With descriptions of the routes, maps and addresses where to sleep.
Publisher: Terre di Mezzo
Authors: Riccardo Carnovalini – Roberta Ferraris
Publication: 2020
Pages: 208
Type: Guide
Language: Italian
ISBN: 9788861895881
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