Castelli – Monasteri – Abbazie Francescane e Benedettine
Perugia – Gubbio – Assisi – Spoleto – Foligno
Itinerari medievali Umbria vol. 2
Traveling through the streets of Umbria means retracing medieval history, during which the life of communal civilization, feudal nobility and religious orders converged. A time of profound changes, the thirteenth century saw the crisis of both the feudal secular world and the old monastic conception, to make way on the one hand for urban development and on the other for the multiplication of Franciscan, Cluniac and Camaldolese convents. The author proposes a travel itinerary with a historical-artistic background for medieval castles and abbeys, including part of the Via di San Francesco, now a destination for pilgrims and tourists.
Publisher: Tozzuolo
Author: Fiorenza Mosci
Type: Guide
Language: Italian
ISBN: 9788895229676
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