Gran San Bernardo – Valpelline – Conca del Fallère
Guida escursionistica di Gran San Bernardo – Valpelline – Conca del Fallère
103 hiking itineraries including 78 circular ones to be covered in one day, in the Gran San Bernardo Valley, Valpelline and Conca del Fallere, with detailed cartographic tables. The Valle de Gran San Bernardo, historically linked to its pass, was crossed by multitudes of people of different origins and cultures. Valpelline offers a choice of itineraries without equal in the region, in practically uncontaminated nature and with valid accommodation facilities at high altitude. The Conca del Fallère includes the entire northern side of the Dora Baltea, from Vétan to the gates of Aosta and offers a range of varied and unknown itineraries, from 600 to 3000 meters above sea level. Furthermore, three emblematic treks: the Via Francigena in the Gran San Bernardo Valley, the Luseney Tour in Valpelline and a great panoramic itinerary from Aosta to La Salle, which can also be done in intermediate seasons.
Editions: L’Escursionista
Author: Luca Zavatta
Guide: 412 pages
Format: 11 x 16 cm
Language: Itallian
Year: 2004
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