I borghi più belli d’Italia
Il fascino dell’Italia nascosta
Guide 2006
This guide, now in its fourth edition, presents itself as a useful contribution to making known the immense heritage of history and identity, culture and traditions that the villages of our country represent. The volume is organized into three major geographical areas, North, Central, South, divided into the regions that compose it, which in turn contain the single localities in alphabetical order. The information of each village is structured in four sections. The first part contains the “access” news, i.e. the general data of the Municipality (inhabitants, altitude, tourist information, events. The second part outlines a portrait of the village starting from what most belongs to it and characterizes it. The third part gives a synthetic account of the most significant architectural emergencies within the village and in the immediate vicinity: churches, fortresses, palaces, streets, squares, panoramas, etc. Finally, the fourth part tries to identify what is “beautiful and good” c ‘is in the village, beyond the ancient stones. So the product that is found only (or almost only) there, the typical dish, and precisely the “other reasons for appreciation” beyond those previously described. And again: the main events that take place in the village, the museums and everything you should know before dedicating yourself to shopping or gastronomy.
Editions: S.E.R.
Genre: Guide
Language: Italian
Pages: 524
ISBN : 9788887803785
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